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January 2012: Cardz For A Cause, Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit charitable organization.


Feburary 2012: Received donted gift cards from Publix to distribute to residents at Shearith Israel Night Shelter, cooked a meal, and gave lecture about Cardz For A Cause and healthing eating.  


April 2012: Jump Rope A-Thon Fundraiser was held. This was our first major fundraiser and was huge success! 

-PR Coverage; AJC; Local Neighborhood Papers, Jewish Times.


May/June 2012:Applied/Awarded Banking on Youth Seed Grant.


June 2012: Neighborhood Lemonade Stand. 


August 2012: Gift card distribution event to Salvation Army.  Give out handout on healthy choices.  Restaurant choice Subway.  Distributed 75 gift cards at $10 a piece. One gift card was given per family member.



Janunary 2013: Toured Genesis Shelter facility. Gave social services gift cards for each family to CVS which is located close to the shelter.


Feburary 2013: Gave presentation to Davis Academy Middle School about Cardz For A Cause, outlined how to start an organization and encouraged to attend Skyzone fundraiser.


Feburary 2013: Held TRAMP OUT HUNGER Skyzone Fundraiser. Sell out! Over 110 teenagers attended.


March 2013: Shopped and cooked a meal for 50 residents at Genesis Shelter.  Purchased gift cards from CVS to and gave to social services for resident families.


August 2013: Board Members- Caroline and Jami launch Cardz For A Cause at North Springs High School 


October 2013: Attended orientation for Family Promises, charitable organization that provides transitional housing through network of participating houses of worship.  Gave packet with economical meals, shopping on a budget and 4 gift cards to WalMart which will be given to each family upon graduation from the program.


October 2013: Provide meal to 4 Family Promises family being hosted by Northminister Presbyterian Church. 


November 2013: Shop, prepare, and serve dinner for the women at Shearith Israel’s Women’s Night Shelter (13 current residents) gift cards from Publix.






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